Professional Lighting

Dongguan J&R Brothers Optoelectronic Co., Ltd.
Company History and Background
Founded: 2005
Established in 1985, J&R Brothers Corp. is managed as an exclusive investment enterprise and has continued to develop into an outstanding corporation with its home office situated in Taiwan and collateral branches Karlford Enterprises Ltd., in Hong Kong and J & R Brothers Corp., in Taiwan and China. Our offices are all staffed with highly trained and professional personnel. Equipped with the latest state of the art tools, our factory and J&R specialize in the areas of lava & glitter lamp, LED wax candles, LED/fiber optic lamp, novelty gift items, innovative decoration lamps, liquid motion products, and custom-made designs. We are firmly committed to the basic doctrines of integrity, quality and outstanding service to our customers. We openly welcome all customers to contact us with their requirements. We stand ready and prepared to enter into all negotiations, discussion on custom, and or OEM designs of your choice. We are able to provide the industry with an informative and versatile product service through our English language web site, and this web site will be updated, every day in a while. Thru the years, to get closer & soonest interviews that we participate the world famous Hong Kong gifts & toys show, customer would be able to see the newest products presented in front of them.