Beauty Equipment

Dong Tian Yang Industrial Co., Ltd.
Company History and Background
Founded: 2007
Dong Tian Yang Industrial Co., Ltd. (D.T.Y.) is situated in Foshan City, Guangdong Province, with one of the largest factory complexes in this area, approximately 25,000 square meters. Registered with an investment capital of USD 2,500,000, we are now recognized as an industrial leader of beauty, skin care and hair studio equipment in Asia. We are especially proud of our profound R&D expertise and highly praised manufacturing skills in the field of skin care & hair studio products. We have one of the strongest research and development teams in Asia and a unique professional training division for skin care and hair dressing. We entered Chinese market of skin care and hair studio equipment early in 1993. In 1995, the first branch of Dong Tian Yang Industrial Co., Ltd. was established, based on the legacy of Guangqing (Taiwan) Company. In July 1997, a second factory for manufacturing skin care and hair care devices was inaugurated in Mainland China. Until now, we have been able to establish seven successful business divisions under management of D.T.Y.