Home Seller Videos

Global Quality Control Inspections for Australians

Global Quality Control Inspections for Australians

We have been inspecting Products for Australian Buyers across the World since 2004

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Australia Freight Insurance

Australia Freight Insurance

Cargo insurance covers all possible risks for the full value of the goods, which can include shipping costs, duties and insurance costs.

 - Click to Order Insurance Instantly.

Assisting Australian Business Go Global

Assisting Australian Business Go Global

We can help promote your products into new International Markets

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Home Seller Videos

Seller Videos

Introduction to Goodada for Sellers 

This is an introduction video for Sellers. It explains how Sellers beneift from using Goodadas B2B Platform plus Goodadas International network of Supply Chain Partners.

Goodada Seller: Registering as Seller 

All Sellers must register on Goodada. Once you have fully completed the Seller Registration form and have been approved by a Goodada Partner your account will become active and you can add your products onto Goodada

Goodada Seller: Using your Control Panel

Every Seller on Goodada is assigned their own individual Control Panel which allows them to add,edit and delete their products on Goodada. This video shows the Seller how to use their Control Panel.

Goodada Seller: How to Add, Edit, Delete your Products on Goodada

Every Seller on Goodada is assigned their own individual Control Panel which allows them to add,edit and delete their products on Goodada. They can also amend their details and contact infromation shown on the Goodada website


首先,你需要填写并提交你的全部注册信息, 而后,你提交的全部信息将会被Goodada审核,在通过审核之后,你的帐户将会被激活,这样你就可以在自己的Goodada账户上添加商品信息了。




通过点击Goodada供应商控制面板右侧紫色的Add new product键来添加你的产品信息,通过点击Add new product键下方褐色的Edit键来编辑你已上传过的产品信息,通过点击Edit键右侧红色的Delete键来删除你的产品信息,通过点击供应商控制面板右上角黄色的Profile键可以重新编辑贵公司的相关信息,通过点击点击供应商控制面板右上角绿色的Contact键可以重新编辑贵公司的联系人的相关信息。


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